martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

"Ideal Courtship Tips"

A Conference Beyond Ideal Courtship

Univa High Schoolers got a Conference imparted by Adriana Macías, an accomplished speaker who has fought all her life to be seen as a "normal" person (she is armless) and to spread beautidul messages of self esteem and acceptance. 

The conference started as what its title describes it. What kind of relationship do you have or do you want, like the different types of relationships, and she started making jokes with some audience and asking them what they want, the ideal couple, etc. Then after she asked that she began to go deeper in teh subject and what is inside of us, because to love others, you first need to love and accept yourself. You can't go arround trying to find you other half, that doesn't exist ( it's really unusual) , you need first to find yourself and what do you like and how, maybe this sounds a  little bit thrilled but it's true. After you know yourself, your tastes, what your limitations are, you are ready to be free to love, and to be really commited with your mate. Because that is whats it is; commonly when you look for a couple or you are attracted to someone the first thing to notice it's the outside, however when you get to know them you can be more interested or otherwise your crush ends. What really matters is what we have on the inside and if a potential mate has that something that we like. Of course each one has different tastes and like different things. 
And so, the conference keeps going through the subjects for a total of 2 hours approx. This took place in the Univa's SUM .


I think that she ( Adrana) is a real fighter and that it's very interesting and truly eye-opening to see her possitiveness and that everything has a solution, I mena look at her! She does almost everything by herself being optimistic and getting the best of life, she is not bitter for her condition and that makes you think of your actions and what you are giving to the world. 
The conference was interesting and entertaining. At first I thought that the  topic was kind of lame but after tghe first 5 minutes she had all the audience attention. I think that people in the conference, students and teachers reflected about themselves and their relationships. It's really inspiring.

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