viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Is The Stress Affecting Your Life?

Modern life is fast and demanding; Stress has become a way of life!

When you perceive a threat, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones rouse the body for emergency action. Is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. That's kind of what skunks do when they feel threat, except they take it out of their system.

Possitive Effect When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life – giving you extra strength to defend yourself. It also helps you rise to meet challenges.

Negative Effect  When stress is too much it disrupts nearly every system in your body, raising blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Long-term stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

Signs and Symptoms The more signs and symptoms you notice in yourself, the closer you may be to stress overload.

Cognitive Symptoms
Memory problems
Inability to concentratePoor judgmentSeeing only the negativeAnxious or racing thoughtsConstant worrying

Emotional Symptoms

Agitation, inability to relax
Feeling overwhelmed
Sense of loneliness and isolation
Depression or general unhappiness

Irritability or short temper

Physical Symptoms

Aches and pains
Nausea, dizziness
Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
Loss of sex drive
Frequent colds 

Diarrhea or constipation

Behavioral Symptoms
Eating more or less
Sleeping too much or too littleIsolating yourself from othersProcrastinating or neglecting responsibilitiesUsing alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relaxNervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Causes of Stress

External Causes:
Major life changes, work, relationship difficulties, financial problems, being too busy, children and family.

Internal Causes:
Pessimism, negative self- talk, unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, the inability to accept uncertainty.

We all respond differently to a given situation for three main reasons: 

1. We do not all interpret each situation in the same way.
2. Because of this, we do not all call on the same resources for each situation
3. We do not all have the same resources and skills.

Stress Interviews

Are YOU stressed? 

  • Am I in control of stress or is stress controlling me?
  • When I feel agitated, do I know how to quickly calm and soothe myself?
  • Can I easily let go of my anger?
  • Can I turn to others at work to help me calm down and feel better?
  • When I come home at night, do I walk in the door feeling alert and relaxed?
  • Am I seldom distracted or moody?
  • Am I able to recognize upsets that others seem to be experiencing?
  • Do I easily turn to friends or family members for a calming influence?
  • When my energy is low, do I know how to boost it?

If you answer yes or so, you might want to take action: 

  • Learn how to say “no” – Know your limits and stick to them. 
  • Avoid people who stress you out .
  • Take control of your environment .
  • Avoid hot-button topics.
  • Pare down your to-do list – Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. 
  • Express your feelings and thoughts.
  • Look at the big picture.
  • Focus on the possitive.

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

What Stress Mean To Me

No one is safe from stress

Teenagers and kids also suffer stress in many different ways, not just the adults as some may think.
Its normal to feel it in dangerous or risky situations or even when it's painful. But we the teenagers can manage stress in different ways and maybe with a little help from our parents, relatives and our friends.

What causes my stress:

  • School demands and frustraitions
  • Negative thoughts and lack of confidence
  • Problems with friends
  • Family fights/ discussions
  • Figuring out what I want in life and who I want to become

How do I deal with it 

  • Exercising
  • Listen music wth my earplugs
  • Watching a movie or a T.V. serie
  • Laughing with my friends and try to relax  

I first calm down with these, later I: 

  • Think about what are some possible stressors and how did I reacted at the time
  • Once I've identified what is causing it, I think of possible strategies to fight it but first I ask my mom or my dad, or even friends (depending on the situation) what I could do.
  • If any advice was good for me I kind of mix it with what I have thought previously and begin taking care of it.

I hope this was helpful (:

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

"Ideal Courtship Tips"

A Conference Beyond Ideal Courtship

Univa High Schoolers got a Conference imparted by Adriana Macías, an accomplished speaker who has fought all her life to be seen as a "normal" person (she is armless) and to spread beautidul messages of self esteem and acceptance. 

The conference started as what its title describes it. What kind of relationship do you have or do you want, like the different types of relationships, and she started making jokes with some audience and asking them what they want, the ideal couple, etc. Then after she asked that she began to go deeper in teh subject and what is inside of us, because to love others, you first need to love and accept yourself. You can't go arround trying to find you other half, that doesn't exist ( it's really unusual) , you need first to find yourself and what do you like and how, maybe this sounds a  little bit thrilled but it's true. After you know yourself, your tastes, what your limitations are, you are ready to be free to love, and to be really commited with your mate. Because that is whats it is; commonly when you look for a couple or you are attracted to someone the first thing to notice it's the outside, however when you get to know them you can be more interested or otherwise your crush ends. What really matters is what we have on the inside and if a potential mate has that something that we like. Of course each one has different tastes and like different things. 
And so, the conference keeps going through the subjects for a total of 2 hours approx. This took place in the Univa's SUM .


I think that she ( Adrana) is a real fighter and that it's very interesting and truly eye-opening to see her possitiveness and that everything has a solution, I mena look at her! She does almost everything by herself being optimistic and getting the best of life, she is not bitter for her condition and that makes you think of your actions and what you are giving to the world. 
The conference was interesting and entertaining. At first I thought that the  topic was kind of lame but after tghe first 5 minutes she had all the audience attention. I think that people in the conference, students and teachers reflected about themselves and their relationships. It's really inspiring.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Aristóteles Cabinet 2013

 Cabinet Surprises  

Friday the 1st at 6:54 pm the new Cabinet of Aristóteles Sandoval was presented to the Mexican citizens; they were introduced surprisingly by Arturo Zamora.

Former candidate for governor of Jalisco presented Luis Carlos Májera as the responsible of the Prosecution Dept.  because there's no one in charge temporarely, and he can't be ( Nájera) because the State Constitution doesn't approve it.

Savdoval will have in his Administrative Department the majority of his employees of the Municipality of GDL , but he also  choose another ones out of the City Hall . One good example is Salvador Rizo, his former high school classmate, now being the reponsible for " Development and Social Integration", key position for the marginalized population. Yet he ( Rizo)  arrived late to the presentation and he was one of the last that spoke with the Governor. Another example is Mauricio Gudiño, former Municipal Services Secretary, now  being Secretary of Movility. A lot of people among the government thought that he would be the Secretary of Infraestructure and Public Work job that was token by Roberto Dávalos, owner of Cautín Construction, this being involved in projects such as " El Santuario de los Mártires" , " San Sebastian Bridge", etc. 

Although it's almost conformed it must have some changes and adecuations because tere are some positions that do not exist, such as Auxiliary Dependencies, Executive Councils, etc,. And there are other positions non-taken like Innovation and Public Politics coordinators. 

The Cabinet was concreted saturday at 7:30 starting with the session at the Congress and to take protest to Sandoval for teh next period 2013- 2018.


-Coordinator for  Transition - Ricardo Villanueva Lomeli

General-government innovation Coordinator - Luis Aguilar Villanueva

-Broad Economic Policy Coordinator - José Palacios Jiménez

Coordinator-General for Social Policy - Carolina Toro Morales

Coordinator-General Comprehensive Safety - Gerardo Octavio Solis Gomez

Coordinator-General for the Environment - Sergio Humberto Graf Montero

-President of the Citizens Advisory Council - Enrique Dau Flores

-Economic Policy Advisor - Sergio Alejandro Garcia de Alba  Zepeda

-Social Policy Adviser - Roberto Guerra.

-Minister of the Environment - Ernesto Sánchez Anguiano.

-Director of Legal Affairs - Guillermo Muñoz.

-Director of Budgetary and Financial Policy - Juan Jaime Petersen Farah.

-Director of Government communication - Sergio Ramirez Robles.

-Director of International Affairs - Rodrigo Aguilar.

-Counselor Comprehensive Security Policy - Carlos Enrique Zuloaga.

-Coordinator-Specific areas: Overall Coordination Technique Secretary - Martha  A. Gutierrez  Gómez.

-Coordinator of digital government - Carmen Rodriguez Armenta

-Coordinator of Transparency and Accountability - Gabriela de Anda.

-Enforcement-institutional Coordinator - Gabriel Gonzalez Delgadillo.

-Institutional Coordinator - Horacio Villasenor Manzanedo.

-Field-Coordinator - Héctor Gutiérrez Padilla.

-Tourism Coordinator - Carlos David Gonzalez Rubio.

-Mobility and Logistics Coordinator - Mario Cordova España.

-Industrial policy-Coordinator - Jose Arturo Márquez González.

-Coordinator for Strengthening the Internal Market - Juan Alfonso Aguilar.

-Coordinator for the International Agenda - Luis Gustavo Padilla Montes.

-Education Coordinator - Jaime Reyes Robles.

-Health Coordinator - Dagoberto Garcia Mejia.

-Sports-Coordinator - André Miranda Campo.

-Culture-Coordinator - Myriam Vachez.

-Welfare-Coordinator - Mariana Fernández Ramírez.

-Safety Coordinator - Ruth  Gabriela Gallardo Vega.

-Justice Coordinator - Francisco Javier Hernandez Hidalgo y Costilla.

-Coordinator of Biodiversity and Forests - Eduardo Santana Castellón.

Link-Coordinator for Sustainability - Maria Magdalena Ruiz Mejía.

-Comprehensive Management Coordinator - Jesus Rodriguez Rodriguez.

-Coordinator of Energy and Climate Change - Jose Mauricio Alcocer.

-Infrastructure Coordinator -  Mauricio Gudiño Coronado.

-Special Coordinator Legal -  Carlos Oscar Trejo Herrera.

-Policy Budget Commercial Coordinator -  Hector Rafael Perez Partida

-Coordinator of Development Finance - Alberto Tapia Venegas.

-Coordinator of Youth Policy - Bernardo Macklis Petrini.

-Coordinator-Budget Analysis - Diego Omar Martinez Delgado.

-Special Coordinator of Communication - Gonzalo Sánchez García.

-Coordination for the Analysis of State Development Plan - Javier Hurtado González.

-Temporary Intern's Program Coordinator - Anisse Enriquez.


 I think that things will finally change because when the PAN was ruling a lot of bad things happened and now that the PRI is back I think there's a good chance that things will go better. Maybe... ok somo of the PRI politicians stole money and took advantage of their spot and all the benefits of their work, but thery are not the only ones in Mexico nor the world. But when they've ruled Mexico there were good advances and good outcomes. 
This cabinet it's kind of weird and I think that the fact that any government inevnts new jobs it's ridiculous, unless it's truly justified and required, otherwise it's just to take advantage og their situation. Something akward was positioning Gallegos as Tourism Secretary, he wasn't made for that job; and Bañuelos it's too old and the rest of the team still doubts about he being the responsible for managing the Comptroller. 

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Lawless Nigeria

Lagos: If It Wasn't Anchored On Laws A
Country Would Not Be A Country

A country could be described as one without laws, because of the lackness of enforcement or that they might be enforced on the breach only but not daily.
A Lagos citizen share with us his thoughts- "I am a patriot, I just love Nigeria as much as anyone would proudly claim. But want to countinue proud if Nigera is seen as a country of laws, not a lawless and poor country"-.

The citizens are sick of all the insecurity and corruption running in the streets. This without mentioning all the recent kidnappings and the abuse of the army and authorities. They expect and hope for a tremendous change when the elections come in 2015. Hang in there Nigerians!

Elba Esther Imprisioned

The Union Leader is not entitled to bail and she
could reach more than 30 years in prison

Mexico's teacher's union leader spend the night in jail and was transorted to make her statement to a judge.
Obviously she denied and she requested for an extension up to 144 hours to prove her innocence. She was arrested on tuesday and acused of Embezzlement of Funds and for a triangulation of financial operations that took money from the funds to her personal account. 

Murillo tells that reaserching, but just 2 accounts are being investigated out of 80 by the authorities .
PGR presented the Gordillo's assumed corruption network 
The studied accounts have a total of 2 mil 600 million pesos deposits.

During the hearing that began about 13 hours, Elba Esther Gordillo Morales, Chavez and Jose Gallardo Isaiah Manuel Diaz Flores were informed of the crimes for which they were detained, through their lawyers, and that detainees said not knowing about legal terminology to understand the charges.

Gérman Arturo Rangel, former deputy criminal offenses, will act as counsel for the teacher leader.
President Enrique Peña Nieto summoned all the Governors of the Republic, and the head of government of the Federal District, to discuss the arrest of Gordillo, about 17 hours, but so far had issued the details about the meeting.
Elba Esther Gordillo on admission to the Santa Martha

Harlem Shake On High

Harlem Shake Phenomenon Has Reached Heaven

The successful and popular internet dance is now on upper heights at 32,000 feet

This was filmed yestarday on a Frontier Airlines flight departing from Colorado. Those who had the idea and arranged it were the students of University of Colorado football team (Ultimate Frisbee). They even encouraged some of the passengers to participate.
This is being investigated by the Federal Agency because they're worried this might happened during takeoff or landing, exposing the passenger's safety. However one of the students remarked that they had permission of the airline crew and it all was during flight, they also informed the rest of the passengers.

                                                   Airline passengers do Harlem Shake